Wooden Roller Coaster
- Located: Playland, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
- Built: 1958
- Type: Wooden
- Currently Operating

This coaster was given a Golden Ticket award in 2001 it ranked 24th overall, and in 2009 it was awarded with an ACE Landmark status. To this day it runs as the main headliner for the park.

Final Desination 3
While notthe centerpiece of the opening scenes Wooden Roller Coaster does make a few appearences in the background!

This entry comes from quite possibly the most famous roller coaster movie, personally I've never been a fan of the Final Desintation movies but after starting to collect movie appearences of movies I knew I'd eventually have to watch at least the beginning of the 3rd movie.
The most notable appearance for coaster happens as the group of characters we're following are talking about getting in line for Devil's Flight later so they won't have to wait for hours another day.

And the last appearence we get of coaster is far in the background as our group of characters rides Devil's Flight before the tragic crash.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid:Dog Dogs
One of the last movies I ever expected to have a roller coaster in it is a sequal to the live action Diary of a Wimpy Kid movie. And while the characters don't ride the coasters there Wooden Roller Coaster does appear in the background of one of the shots!
You only get to see Wooden Roller Coaster for a few moments as Greg and Rowley are standing in line for the Cranium Shaker which is a SkyScraper ride in real life.

Rollercoaster (1999)
Trigger Warning: Mentions of Suicide and Sexual Assult
This is definetly the darkest movie I've watched while gathering credits for this site if you would like to avoid these descriptions skip the next paragraph. I highly recommend avoiding this movie if you've ever struggled with these things.
Five teenagers who all live together in a group home go to an abandoned amusment park to ride rides and for two of them have the best last day of their lives as they plan to jump to their deaths off the Wooden Roller Coaster at the end of the night. The Security Guard who first threatens to kick the kids out corners one of the kids in a bathroom and after runs some of the rides for the kids. They trick the guard onto the Zipper and trap him there for hours while they run wild running all the rides they want. Tentions are high among the group as they devulge secreats about themselves to eachother that they never thought they'd tell anyone else. The end of the night comes and while one teen changes their mind about how the night ends, the other goes through with their original plan.

View of Wooden Roller Coaster, during the day, the kids are climbing all over the track in this scene as they kill time and get drunk

Do you know any movies or other shows Wooden Roller Coaster is in ? Have any information about the coaster in general? Send me an email, I'll check it out!